Distinguished Professional Award

2021 NDRPA Distinguished Professional Award Recipient: Tyler Jacobson

2021 NDRPA Distinguished Professional Award Recipient: Mike Wald
The Distinguished Professional Award honors professional members of NDRPA and NRPA with more than 10 years of experience.
Qualifications include:
- Membership in NDRPA and must have held an elected position at some point.
- Experience of at least 10 years as a leader, instructor, supervisor, administrator, consultant, or a combination of these services in the field of parks, recreation, and conservation.
- Shown leadership through involvement in local organizations, state or regional associations, committees, special projects, or any other community involvement.
- Achieved accomplishments including awards, commendations, honors, and advancement through their work in parks and recreation.
- Made significant contributions to the park, recreation, and leisure field through any of the following: research, advocacy, community efforts, public relations, and any contributions to the profession which has affected the philosophy or practice of parks and recreation.
Award Recipients
2021 – Tyler Jacobson, Valley City Parks and Recreation
2021 – Mike Wald, Bismarck Parks and Recreation
2020 – RaNae Jochim, Bismarck Parks and Recreation
2019 – Kevin Klipfel, Bismarck Parks and Recreation
2018 – Barb Erbstoesser, West Fargo Park District
2018 – Darin Krueger, Williston Parks and Recreation District
2015 – Greg Smith, Bismarck Parks and Recreation District
2014 – Ron Merritt, Minot Park District
2013 – Cole Higlin, Mandan Parks and Recreation
2013 – Terry Wallace, Devils Lake Parks and Recreation
2011 – James Kramer, Dickinson Parks and Recreation
2009 – Bill Palmiscno, Grand Forks Park District
2006 – Bruce Kary, Dickinson Park District
2005 – Dave Klundt, Fargo Park District
2003 – Tim Kuntz & Dennis Nybo, Bismarck Parks & Recreation District
1998 – Dr. Lynn Anderson, UND
1998 – Mike Nilson, Minot Park District
1997 – Steve Mullally, Grand Forks Park District
1995 – Randy Bina, Bismarck Parks and Recreation District
1994 – Wayne Beyer, Wahpeton Park Board
1990 – Steve Neu, Bismarck Parks and Recreation District